
Ficus Carica/ Fig in Ipoh, Perak.
Fig or Ficus carica (无花果) is origins from south part of Arab, after some times it was introduced into other countries such as Syria and Turkey. Recently it is cultivates abundantly in the Mediterranean countries. It is introduced to China during the Tang Dynasty; it was approximately 1300 years ago.
About Us
Dr. Chan Chew Chok disagrees herbal are toxic for local herbal treatment.According to his experiences of cultivation of herbal medicine and clinical treatment for many years, it shown that the local herbal treatment is very effectiveness and is a good cure for many diseases. 
Dr. Chan has the experience in cultivation of herbs for almost 30 years. He has own herbal farm with around 5000 Randia spinosa (雍树) plants, over 400 Ficus carica (无花果) and other types of medicinal herbal. He has carried out professional laboratory tests on his herbal species, confirmed that it does not contain any prohibited ingredients by Ministry of Health.
Dr. Chan, being the consultant of Association of traditional herbal medicine at Ipoh Perak, believes that the growth period of local herbal medicine is different from other season countries. Most of the local herbs have a longer growth period. Therefore the environment in Malaysia is ideal for the cultivation of herbal medicine. 
In Dr.Chan herbal farm has a lots of local medical herbal, such as Ficus carica (无花果), Dioscorea bulbifera (黄独), Elephantopus scaber (地胆头), Strobilanthes crispus (黑面将军), Zebrina Pendula Schnizl (水龟草), Rodgersia sambucifolia Hemsl (岩陀叶), Sansevieria trifasciata (金边兰), Dendrohyrax arboreus (南非树), Clerodendron fragrans Vent (臭茉莉) and Rhizoma curcumae (莪术). He use that to treat patient's illness.

Ficus Carica - Cont
  • High Nutritional value:sugar richly,protein,amino acid,vitamin and mineral substance.
  • Medicinal Value:absorb chemical substance,adsorb the deleterious substance and purify the intestinal tract.
  • encourages the suppression of blood sugar rise.
  • maintains normal cholesterol content
  • discharges the virulent material rapidly
  • decomposition enzyme, fat enzyme, amylase and oxydase
Ficus Carica - Cont
  • whetting the appetite and aid digestion
  • stop the diarrhea and governs swallows sore throat
  • warm the body, preventing neuralgia and the hemorrhoids, and also control the swollen and pain with dry fig leaf blade
Vital medicinal purpose of fig:
  • cancer remarkable inhibitory action aspect
  • 21st century humanity health patron god
  • Japanese scientists extract out many anti-cancer materials from the fig fruit juice, such as benzaldehyde, bergamot fat and bone ester element.
  • wonderful effect to the gastric cancer
  • world first health care fruit
fig also can be processed to becomes candied, preserved fruit, jam, fruit juice, fruit-tea, ratafia, beverages, canned. The fig candied does not contain any chemical additive, taste great and sweet. The fig juice, a beverage with unique clear fragrance, is suitable for everyone. The fig tree has luxuriant growth of leaves and branches; the tree condition is graceful, suitable for botanical garden.
Original Ficus carica
The fruit shape is oval with hard case outside. The pulp is in buff colour and rich of viscose juice, while the dried pulp will be in red colour. It tastes sweet with clear fragrance. It has many significant benefits such as disperse the stasis effectively, lung detoxification, reduces phlegm, alleviate coughing, prevent and control thyroid gland lymph tumor, helps the digestion and so on. 


无花果别名文冠果、奶浆果、文仙果,根据药书所载,它用途甚多。《滇南本草》谓它「主清利咽喉,开胸膈,清痰化滞。」《本草补遗》指它「五痔肿痛、 煎汤频燻洗之,取效。」 无花果其实并不无花,只是其花托肥大而花朵细小才惹人误会。无花果亦非只有干品,新鲜摘下来的无花果也可当水果吃。

民间验方亦常用无花果,无花果鲜吃,可医痔疮出血。大肠癌患者用此方也有辅助医疗作用,因为无花果所含的果胶和纤维,遇水会膨胀,能吸附肠道内的有毒物质。无病无痛的人吃之,亦有排毒的保健作用。 与苹果相类似的是,无花果也有双向调节肠胃之效,脾虚泄泻的人吃之,可以止泻,相反,便秘的人吃它,则能润肠通便。鲜果或干品一样奏效。将无花果焙干磨粉,时常服用,有助胃溃疡癒合。不仅如此,果肉更含钙、磷、镁、铜、锰、锌、硼等多种人体必需矿物质和微量元素。 

雍树叶味带甘,性温和,果肉酸涩而性温和。 叶子可磨成粉末配以中草药料制成丸服用,功能庞大。果子煲成水服可抗各种顽疾。
